School – Three days left in this semester and I begin the 16 week march to graduation. Yes, three years later, my quest for a degree will finally be over. This next couple of months is going to be pretty hectic though. I’m going out with 18 credit hours.
Work – Big Brother moved in at work. “Hi Guys!” ‘Nuff said.
Family – Mrs. 808 and I celebrated Valentine’s the first weekend of February. It was the four year anniversary of our first romantic getaway to Big Bear. We split the kids up amongst the grandparents and spent a night in KC’s Chateau Avalon. Despite the upscale atmosphere of the place, we couldn’t help but say, “This is where couples go to do it.” Upon entering the room, I turned to my wife and said, “This place smells like a doctor’s office.” We’re talking about one seriously sterile room. I’ll spare the details and simply say it was nice and Chateau Avalon gets a thumbs up. Every room is themed and if you want, you can get the Jesse James room with a fake bank for some 19th Century Outlaw role-playing. Sexy, eh?

808.1 – Our ten year old had eye surgery on the 13th. The surgeon removed a cyst from her right eye and adjusted the muscles on the left to pull the eye back into a centered position after it started drifting up. The surgery was successful and she was back to her normal self within three days. Her biological father flew in the Saturday before and left the day after. It was a good visit with great food as we feasted at our local Fuji Japanese Steakhouse, Gates Barbecue and he grilled carne asada before the big day.
808.2 – My little princess has forgotten the disappointment of not having a black daddy. She’s back to being that ornery yet precious middle-child who cracks me up daily. She’s definitely high maintenance, but what girl isn’t?
808.3 – My little dude and I have really connected lately. Our daycare provider says he calls out for me whenever he is upset. If I’m not in the room with him, he’ll wander the house calling out for me.

My mother-in-law – Do you ever wake up and say, “Man, how did I get here?” You ponder how you how you came to be in this position. It seems like only yesterday that you were a kid, or a teenager, in college, getting married, having children. Then one day, you realize there is a 50 year old teenager living with you and she’s starting to date. She met a guy (he’s not a beaver trapper) and is spending every possible moment with him. While my wife struggles with her mother not checking in or coming home late, I look at things differently; she’s happy and she’s out of the house.
That’s it in a nutshell. I’ll be back in a bit.