Oct 9, 2005

10, 20, __, 40

I act like I am 10.
I think that I am 20.
My body feels like it is 40.

I guess 30 fits just right. Seriously, what is all this hoopla about turning 30.

It was a nice birthday weekend. Last night, Mr. & Mrs. Sato invited us over for dinner. Bruce and I devoured our enchiladas over the coffee table whiles watching my Avalanche beat the Stars(F***ing Dallas). During the second period, we broke out his new X-box NHL game and played a couple. I beat him both times, and let me tell you, it was definitely all skill. Never mind the one empty net goal I made after three attempts.

Yes, that last paragraph defines one last evening in my 20's.

For lunch today, we ventured to the restaurant of my childhood baseball hero. Good, old Kansas City Royals' #5. (We'll see if Will knows who it is). For such a standard menu, the food was pretty damn good. At first, I did not see anything eye-catching and I almost went with a burger or pizza. Then I saw it. French dip. My father congratulated me on making a "mature menu choice". I was just excited to relish in the old "Ahhh Joooo". Helluva lot better than that crap they used to feed us Billy Jewell Bible School. I secretly kept my fingers crossed that #5 would walk in for some reason, and that I would get to meet the man. Maybe next time.

After lunch, we did a little shopping, grabbed and Iced Chai and picked up my birthday cake... the ever delicious Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.

Many thanks to all who called; Jewels, Janet, Otto, LDG and I presume the cell phone voicemail is from The Burger.

For those who are wondering, the Mrs. totally surprised me this year. As of last weekend (she's not so great when it comes to patience AND surprises), I am finally the proud owner of an iPod. Shocked me and left me speechless for a good hour. Thanks again, babe!