Mar 23, 2005

Happy Birthday, Old Man Winter!

I saw you poked your head in here today. After all these years, I still remember an old friend’s birthday.


On another note, I've been somewhat absent from our little blogosphere the last few days. I have not been at work and as those of you in the corporate world know, i got my ass kicked today. I'm currently sitting in a group chat from my Systems Analysis & Design class and no one is participating. Two have not shown, the project manager is doing some research and the crazy old guy who smells like gasoline and wears a large Eagle Scouts buckle to hold his pants up at calf-level is ranting about the DuhVry helpdesk.

“SmellyGasMan: Got another voice mail. If they don't get this working I'm going to get someones attention tomorrow; THEN I will share how much help I got tonight!

Get’em, Tiger.