Feb 4, 2005

When we're not at the table...

Okay, a little explanation for my removal of a certain post from a friend the other day. We are used to poker table talk. This guy and I once shared an office with a white board split in two. The object of the game was to fill your side with as many slams on the other guy as possible. We have had our laughs at the expense of each other's feelings. Good times!


However, things are different these days. I left the anonymity of Los Angeles for the Everyone Knows Your Name atmosphere of a small town. I am a parent of three; my oldest is rapidly approaching middle school. My decision to post twice about a resident of my town has produced many hits for people googling his name and our town. When I saw his comment in which he associated me with the sicko's issues, it ticked me off. Anyone of those people hitting my blog could be the parent of one of my kids' friends. Mrs. Whatever could be sitting at home trying to find a news article on the town pervert, finds my blog, read the comments and not understand the joke. What is the worse that could happen, 8081 could suddenly have a friend that is not allowed to come over anymore.


You can say whatever you want about me. You can call me an asshole, or jerkass or make fun of my dorky ways. I don't care. I can give as good as I get, if not better. However, please put some thought into your comments and how they may affect my family.