Feb 10, 2005

Once around the block...

I am sitting here at the end of my forced lunch hour, listening to Badly Drawn Boy's Once Around the Block, catching up on everyone's blogs. I have been out of town on business since Tuesday. Monday if you consider all the pre-travel work I had to do. I have fifteen minutes and then the overflowing workload can wait no longer. I really want to comment on some of these blogs but do not have the time right now. In fact, I should be spending this time to prepare for a test on Saturday. Therefore, recapping my thoughts on my friends' blogs and posts this week, here we go:

My Site: Welcome JR, wondered when you would surface. Hope to see more of your insightful comments.

Bruce: Great point on the polytheism post. I would eagerly wake up on Sunday mornings for church if they had stories like the Greeks and Romans did. It would hold the excitement of waking up on Saturdays to watch Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. These days, it is like waking up to watch ABC Disney cartoons. Oh, and North Korea has nuclear weapons...no shit? If the south really were to secede from the US, we would need to confiscate their nuclear stockpiles first. All those southern baptists getting upset about with non-believers would be disastrous.

Indy: Yes, I used to attend the Car Show with my family and Bruce; I do not remember the Geo Girls at all. MacGuyver, my only knowledge of the future Boregate actor comes from Patty and Selma. And the paranormal...well, i am all about that. I may need to make an exception and post a comment on that topic. The budget post, it is a freaking picture of a kid at a lemonade stand. Are we to believe that the neo-cons supporting the Bush administration have never take a tragic event to use for their own agenda? Nah, no way they would ever do that. They are waaaay too moral to do that.

BeTheBoy: The story about smoking as a kid cracked me up. In fact, all of your childhood stories crack me up. Let me know how the sleep trials go. I will sign up if it means I get to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time.

The Burger: I feel like a proud parent watching you take such a tragic event in your life and turning it around to make things better. I am certain your father is looking down at you and smiling as only a proud parent can. Keep up the good work.

Janet: You are in the back half of your senior year and you have two study halls. Why are you not posting more?

LDG: I certainly hope that Noth's return makes L&O: CI a helluva lot more interesting than it is.

Otto: That was a great post you made back on October 1, 2004. It is my favorite thing to go back and read over and over and over and over and over and over and over, etc. on a daily basis.

And finally, I am noticing some recent tension on Bruce and Indy's blog with posts that lean toward political issues, especially those that my neo-con sister comments on. I have friends and family that are both Republicans and Democrats, some stronger in their associations than others. I hope that everyone will be respectful of each other's right to their opinions. If your opinion is that I am a sissy for having that opinion that is fine with me. I respect your opinion, you ignorant assface.

Personally, I do not associate myself with any Parties. I am a GDI and if they start joining sides, I will become a friggin' Isolationist again (Bruce, you left your roots mate). Yes, I am a very liberal person and my morals do not live up to those of the neo-cons. Does that mean I am a Democrat by default? No. I am not joining any clubs. I form my opinions and they are not based on what the "Party" says. Yes, I think Bush is a fascist asshole on an ego trip and don't get me started on Rove. Perhaps John Kerry was not the best candidate for the Presidency, but you know what, he was something different and that is what our country needs. Truth be told, I am not going to be comfortable with our government until we have less rich, white males in office.

If our country is to continue this Puritanical route, well...my fellow liberal-minded pilgrims will just need to set sail for another uncivilized location to inhabit and eventually ruin.

Hey, I hear that Antarctica is warming up and the scientists are building their first, international movie theatre.