May 2, 2006

Tuesday 8

1... It is over. The Avs knocked the Stars out of the playoffs on Sunday and I wrapped up the first half-semester with a completed research paper submitted. With the dreaded research paper completed, I sighed in relief, checked the syllabus for my humanities class and see that I have to write another research paper.
2... 8 weeks to go, my friends. 8 weeks.
3... My city has Spring Clean-up and Fall Clean-up each year. On this designated day, you can throw away practically anything. The trash crew will not pick up hazardous materials, large appliances or mother-in-laws. Part of the fun of Clean-up Eve, is setting everything outside and watching the scavengers come pilfer through your trash. We're not talking about some transvestite bum collecting soda cans like the person who rummaged through our bins in Los Angeles. Instead, these are people who drive big, flatbed trucks around neighborhoods, searching for anything they need or can sell. They are resourceful people and not necessarily poor people. Everyone clear? I'm not making fun of anyone, putting anyone down or saying that these are people are white trash. Why bring it up? I think my kids' new daycare owner may have snagged something from our yard during Spring Clean-up.
Seriously. I threw out the walker we had with 808.3 because it was taking up space. There were a few cracks in it, but still usable. I knew someone would claim it and I remember the mini-van that stopped to pick it up. I took the kids to school yesterday morning and walked into the kitchen. There, before my eyes, was an identical walker with the appropriate worn, used look. I tried to sneak a peek for the cracks, but couldn't. As I walked out, I saw their mini-van and everything clicked. I still want a closer look though.
The thing is, they have no idea where we live and IF they did take it, probably have no idea that it was ours. Do I say something? If so, what is the appropriate way of saying it?Is it just me, or does anyone else feel weird about the situation?
4... Sorry, no picture this week. I don't have the camera with me today.
5... Bruce gave his blog a new feel. Man, I wish I had the time to design my new blog.
6... Musically, I'm currently revisiting Pearl Jam. My excitement for the new album was built on early comments from Eddie Vedder that it would be a hard album. I have always loved Pearl Jam, but I feel the sound on the past four albums has lacked some variation. There are a lot of great songs on all of them, it's the guitar sound... it just sounds the same to me. Upon hearing the new album, my first observation was "Hey, this isn't that hard and the guitar still sounds the same. WTF?" It's a great album, just not what I anticipated. Ever feel let down by something that is still good?
7... Let's play a little game. I woke up with the following line running through my head: "...I love the world and if I have to sue for custody, I will sue for custody... " Name the song and artist.
8... Finally, Round 1 of the Stanley Cup playoffs is almost over. Thank you for choosing my blog over those superior sites like ESPN and for all your NHL updates. It means a lot to me. Here is where we stand now:
--Senators are in and waiting
--Montreal and the 'Canes are going to game 6. 'Canes lead by one, but I'm pulling for Montreal to rally back. As a rule, I cannot support teams in warm winter climates.
--Devils stomped the Rangers... oooh, big surprise! I'm so shocked.
--Flyers/Sabres with the Sabres are up by one. I'm still pulling for Philly because they have Peter the Great.
--Avs are in and resting. Jose Theodore is such a great goalie it almost makes me forget how much I miss Roy. Well, no, it doesn't. It does make me feel safer than watching Aebischer.
--Oilers beat the Red Wings. If the Oilers go all the way, I hope they kick the crap out of the Devils too.
--Calgary vs. Anaheim, going to gave 7. In the past, Anaheim was the exception to the aforementioned rule mostly because they were the Cinderella story. While I picked Calgary to move forward, I'll be cheering the Ducks on again. Why? Because you have to eliminate your real competition early on. The Flames are on fire (Sorry, that was bad) and I really don't want to stress out watching them play the Avs in the semi-finals.
--Sharks beat the Predators, 4-1. I really expected more from the Predators. I honestly know very little about San Jose's team, but hey, good job, I guess.