I broke a filling on the lower-right side, which happens to be my primary chewing side. I cannot chew on my upper-left side as that molar need an extraction. I am stalling for excruciating paid and thus a justifiable reason to have it pulled. Hey, if it does not hurt yet, why inflict pain?
I have lived with the broken filling for about two months now. It's time to get it fixed, what with tonight being Halloween and a plethora of candy coming in for my very, very sweet tooth. I called and made my appointment and here is how the phone call went:
"Over the weekend (I can't admit it's been like this for months), I broke off a piece of filling."
"Are you in Pain?"
"Which tooth is it?"
"One of the lower-right rear molars. I'm not sure which one."
"Have you been here before?"
"What is your last name?"
I give her my last name.
"Oh... hi Jeff."
Yes, I have been to the dentist a lot this year.