Aug 27, 2005

CYOA Saturday: "Reluctant - Chapter 14"

You bolt for the side door, hoping to make it outside before the old wooden church erupts in flames. Reaching the door you slam into it with your better of the two shoulders. The door doesn’t budge and you bounce off of it. You try again, twisting the knob and pushing with more force but it will not budge.

WHOOOOOSH! The church fills with an almost blinding light as fire spreads across the gasoline soaked floor. You aim the gun at the nearest window and squeeze off a round. The window shatters and you use the butt of the gun to knock some of the remaining pane away. Climbing onto the sill, you cannot see Dennis past the flames and smoke. You look down at the ground, about 10 feet below, and jump out.

You land and quickly start jogging toward the front of the church, hoping to catch Dennis off guard. After all, you have the gun and thus the upper hand.

Rounding the corner, you see the door is still closed. Either he’s still in the church, or he closed the door behind him. If he is still in there, you could wait here and catch him he tries to escape. However, if he already left the church, he could be back in the house or waiting to ambush you somewhere else. Perhaps you should leave while you have the chance. The road is only a few minutes away and you could reach the highway in 30 minutes or so.

If you decide to check the burning church, turn to page 76.

If you decide to wait outside until the church burns to the ground, turn to page 78.

If you think Dennis already escaped, and you head toward the house, turn to page 80.

If you head for the road, turn to page 82.