Jul 29, 2005

CYOA Friday: "Reluctant - Chapter 13"

You draw the cigarette lighter from your pocket and hold it for him to see. He smirks and reaches in.

“Screw you,” you mutter as you release the lighter, letting it fall into the crawl space.

The smirk abruptly evanesces and exasperation replaces it. He seems almost clumsy as he hastily loads the crossbow. The arrow snaps and its pieces are shot aside. You wince as your left hand moves for the mace. Simultaneously, you grab the pistol with your right hand. The anger in his face turns to alarm.


You spray the mace and pull the pistol from his belt while he thrusts backward. You aim the gun and squeeze the trigger, but your efforts are met with resistance. The safety must be on. Dennis begins crawling down the aisle, cursing and spitting. You have to free yourself before he recovers.

You stuff the gun into your belt and reach behind your bicep. Gripping that arrow, you find that it easily wiggles loose. You try doing the same with the one in your shoulder, but it’s too strenuous to clutch it the same manner. You reluctantly clasp the shaft where it enters your shoulder and apply pressure, hoping it will stay in place. Letting your feet slip from underneath, you and the door fall down.

It throbs in a very unpleasant way and you are uncertain that you didn’t pass out. You retrieve the gun from your belt and place it on the ground. You fetch Michelle’s key light from your pocket and shine it on the pistol, searching for the safety. Discovering it seconds later, you flip the switch, turn the light off and pocket it once again.

Gun in hand, you sling the hatch ajar and stand up. Dennis, crouched by the office, is beginning to stand up. You climb out of the crawl space and take aim. You’ve never fired a gun before and are not sure what to do. Stretching your arm and locking the elbow, you squeeze. The force wildly swings your arm to the side, and a window shatters to your right.

Dennis whirls around to face you. The ringing in your ears mute the sound that produces the flicker in his hands. A small flame erupts and slowly descends toward the floor. He had a lighter the whole time.

You could try taking another shot at him, but you can’t afford to miss again. Perhaps if you charged him, you could get close enough to shoot him. You’ll probably get burned closing the distance between you, but it may be your only option. Then you recall there is a door only a few yards to your left, you could try escaping through there instead.

If you try to shoot him again, turn to page 72.

If you rush Dennis, turn to page 73.

If you make a break for the side door, turn to page 75.