Oct 20, 2004


Those of you who have known me for a long time know that I have always been a Boston Red Sox fan. Growing up with the Royals, I learned at a young age that there is no other team more evil than the NY Yankees. They are the Darth Vaders of baseball. They are from the Empire state. They try to deceive everyone with their good looks, high salaries and great playing ability. They attempt to look classy out there in their fancy pinstripe uniforms. Classy they are not, as last night clearly proved.

There are two Yankees that I like and respect. Matsui and Rivera. I was saddened to see Matsui knowingly pick up a homerun knocked back into the park by a fan and try playing it. My sadness grew when all the umps convened to discuss what happened and Matsui did not just admit, "Hey, the ball went out and that guy knocked it back in. I tried playing it and I am sorry for now holding the game up." I know that he is still overcoming the language barrier, so a simple show of the homerun gesture would have sufficed.

"No, I was trying to give him a High Five!"

And then there is A-Rod...0r as I like to call him...Mr. I hit the ball out of Arroyo's hand when he tagged me and then never touched first base so i ran on to second and now i'm mad that they caught me so i will deny it because i am spoiled friggin' baby. Alternatively, for short, Mr. Dumbass.

Maybe the Yankees can spend some of next years budget on a jumbo-tron so they can show all the NY Lowlifes infesting the stadium that yes, the umps made the right call. If they had one last night, it surely would have shut the dumbasses up, kept the field clean and kept the riot police off the field. For all the havoc he caused, I think A-Rod should make a public apology before the game tonight. When you are wrong, you need to suck it up and admit it.

Now I must brace myself for tonight's game 7. The Red Sox are the first team to come from 0-3 to 3-3 in postseason history; can they take it all the way? Or will Steinbrenner break out the checkbook to sway things his way? Will he call up Rudy who will call Bushy to have a terror alert announcement should the Red Sox take the lead? We know Bush is dying to use that ace up his sleeve right about now.

My stress level this evening should be a test to make sure I hold up on Election night. I have been teaching 8082 how to chant; "Let's go Red Sox!” time to start teaching her "Let's go Kerry!" The Red Sox are closing the gap to the World Series, the Patriots are undefeated and hopefully, the Senator from Massachusetts will win the Presidency.

As they're saying in Boston...Believe.