Sep 3, 2004

What a week...

Sorry the posts have been rare lately. My session A class wrapped last weekend, the pregnancy is about to wrap in the near future and my work has been wrapping its grubby little hands around my neck every chance it gets. Think of me when you get your 8+ hours of sleep tonight, bastards.


Coincidence? I think not.

I watched most of the RNC to see what the other side had to day. 9/11 this, 9/11 that. Kerry has flip-flops.


(Man, i thought that Comic-Con was the largest collection of dorks and geeks. After watching all the morons with their fucking flip-flop props chanting out of sync, i wanted to find my nearest lightsaber-wielding star wars fanatic and thank him for being cool.)


Then there were the blatant lies. Talks of how well the economy is doing and all the jobs. Wait, were they talking about all the jobs. Hmm, that's funny. After Cheney and Miller's speeches Wednesday night, I found this link on CNN the next morning:

September 2: CNN/Money: Jobless claims jump

Oh, but wait. The morning after the President gives his speech; CNN had this link on their home page:

September 3: CNN/Money: Unemployment rate unexpectedly drops


Now you tell me that the government does not have an influence on the media, especially not Ted Turner who I believe attended the RNC.


One final note: Could the delegates be any whiter? Seriously, excluding Condosleeza Lice who has to be there, everyone was white. I felt like i was watching a klan convention.