May 26, 2004

Ten Things to Work On: #7

On my top ten list of things to work on, #7 is being clean-shaven for work. I'm the facial hair Homer Simpson of my office, which isn't saying much as there are only two men and 18 girls. Still, I'm the one who inevitably has stubble on a daily basis. I've been known to shave Monday morning and then use a beard trimmer one or two other days of the week. It's a curse that my wanton teenage desires brought upon myself. The worse part about it is that my little girl won't give me kisses on the cheek because of it.


When I was a young lad, i had a plastic razor set that I used to shave with while my father shaved. He would put shaving cream, Barbasol I believe, on my face and teach me the proper way to shave. As I grew older, his advancement to the electric razor wore off on me and with my allowance I purchased a little black toy electric razor. When pressed to the face, it made a buzzing sound. I longed for the days of being able to shave like a man.


As the teenage years began, I watched some of my friends like Otto and Indy begin shaving. My face was not a regular shave job yet and I was sorely disappointed. I would shave what was not there in all directions, hoping it would make the hair grow faster. I wanted to grow sideburns and i wanted a goatee. I wanted all the pleasures of facial hair without realizing the consequences.


Finally it grew and didn't stop. I sported a goatee and i grew my first sideburns. I mixed it up for years; fluctuating sideburn length between Luke Perry and Martin Van Buren, growing my Abe Lincoln beard to an Adam's apple hiding length. I tried the full beard and quickly realized I couldn't deal with a mustache. It distracted me too much and my baby sister said I resembled a catfish.


I've finally settled on my sideburns being earlobe length and trimmed as I get my haircut. I'll never shave them off unless I need to go undercover as a teenager. The goatee comes and goes, usually to my wife's disappointment. The only thing undecided is the stubble in-between. For Christmas, I received a fancy titanium blade electric razor. I thought this might be easier than using my nifty mach 3. I read in the instructions where it can take a face up to two weeks to adjust to the electric razor. Hmm, wonder what that means?


It means your face is not going to like you for a while and I'm back to the mach 3.


Do they perform electrolysis for men's faces in specific areas only? It's really quite a hassle to shave as regularly as I should. I could give in and just grow the full beard again but that would require the mustache.  I decided to obtain a small mirror that could allow me to shave while in the shower. It's handheld so I can rinse it off because fogless mirrors work against fog, not steam, and once applied to the shower wall, you cannot easily rinse them off.


Thank you for reading about my facial hair dilemma.