Aug 16, 2006

Do you see the irony?

That Darn Cat:


I'm not a cat person. I grew up with two of them (one of which passed away this year after 16 years), have owned two of them (their names were Fatass and Little Shit) and for the past 3 years, Obi-wan/Kitty/Tim has been the pride and joy of 808.11's life. Yes, she changed the cat's name three times.


My neighbors got a cat this summer, Mitts, and he spends a lot of time around our house. I don't really mind as he is an efficient cicada killing machine, unlike Tim.


Last night, as we pulled in the driveway, I spotted Tim, Mitts and a new kitty. I don't know whose it is, but I can guarantee you 808.11 fed him something because he stuck around all night. He was still sitting outside our front door as we left for work. I am not taking another cat into our house.


I feel kind of like those were famous last words.



Quick poll for the male readers:


When you take a leak, do you just unzip, or are you one of those guys who undo the belt and top button?


I ask because I can't figure out why you would need to do the latter and am looking for an explanation. I'm always afraid those types are going to drop trou to their ankles like little boys do and I can think of no reason why a grown man should do such a thing.



Stupid Bully American Quote of the Day:


“And determining the legal status of workers on a given job site is no easy matter. Thompson said he trained leaders to ask workers a series of simple questions, such as what their favorite food was. If the worker couldn't answer the questions, Thompson said volunteers should assume the worker is undocumented and report him to his employer or to law enforcement.”