Mar 3, 2006

The Truth - Part V

5. I've had eight teeth pulled and still have four that never grew in.

False. Sort of. I lied about the numbers. Prior to getting braces back in '89, my orthodontist declared there were just too many teeth in my mouth. An appointment was quickly scheduled to remove two of my lower molars. Fast-forward 6 years and all four wisdom teeth were pulled.

Teeth pulled = 6.

I do have two lower teeth that never grew in. Perhaps they were meant to fill the place of the excised ones. Perhaps I am just a freak of nature and you can now call me Shark-boy. My dentist checks the x-rays regularly to ensure there is no movement, but I'm certain I'll be in oral surgery one day, having the little buggers cut out.

Extra teeth = 2.

Well, that's it my friends. I just revealed 5 facts about myself that some of you may have already known. If you knew all 5, give yourself a pat on the back and a shout out in the comments. In fact, everyone (including you, Watchers) should shout out in the comments as I just posted 5 times in 3 days... that's a big accomplishment for my busy ass. Thanks to Indy for giving me something to post.

Tonight begins the 16-week countdown to graduation and I'm filling it with 18 credit hours. Luckily, we're talking about 4 Gen Ed classes, 3 of which are online, and Senior Project. My core classes are complete. I can smell the freedom.