Jan 9, 2006

A Meme from Bruce...

Challenged by Bruce, here’s the meme: Name the Best Album released during each of the following years…
- The year you were born.
- The year your significant other was born (if different from yours).
- The year you started driving. (Driving and music go so well together after all.)
- The year you graduated high school.
- The year you got married/your child was born/something else significant (your choice).

The Year I Was Born (1975):
Tom Waits - "Nighthawks at the Diner"
Runners Up: Rush - "Fly By Night", Pink Floyd - "Wish You Were Here"

The Year My Wife Was Born (1975): Since we were born the same year, I will dedicate this one to my favorite album covers of 1975
Bonnie Raitt - "Home Plate"
Runners Up: Carly Simon - "Playing Possum" - I don't know if that's Carly or not, but damn that's hot.
Steppenwolf - "Hour of the Wolf" - I have great admiration for depictions of howling timber wolves, what can I say? If someone can find a velvet print of this, I would owe them forever.

The Year I Started Driving (1991):
Damn, this is going to be tough.
Okay, Tie: Sting - "The Soul Cages" and U2 - "Achtung Baby"
Runners Up: Lenny Kravitz - "Mama Said", Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Blood Sugar Sex Magik", Rush - "Roll the Bones"

The Year I Graduated High School (1994):
Portishead – “Dummy”
Runners Up: Soul Coughing – “Ruby Vroom”, Sebadoh - "Bake Sale", Shane MacGowan & The Popes - "The Snake"
Gayest Album Cover: Kenny Loggins - "Return to Pooh Corner"

The Year I Got Married and First Child was Born (2002):
Supergrass – “Life on Other Planets”
Runners Up: The Streets – “Original Pirate Material”, Jurassic 5 – “Power in Numbers”, Koop - "Waltz for Koop", Cody Chesnutt – “The Headphone Masterpiece”

The Year Second Child was Born (2004):
The Beta Band – “Heroes to Zeroes”
Runners Up: Green Day – “American Idiot”, The Streets – “A Grand Don’t Come For Free”, Tom Waits – “Real Gone”, U2 – “How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb”

Damn! That was difficult to keep the numbers down once I started looking at album lists for each year. As a result, I have signed up for RateYourMusic.com under Mr808TV to start my own lists. What better way to waste the day?