Dec 1, 2005

20 things (or Absolutely 808's Mood)...

1. Sick of my job (but really, who isn't?)
2. Behind on my Technical Writing class
3. Behind on my Business Programming II class
4. Two pen marks on my left hand
5. Still fighting the death cough
6. Proud of my eldest child for easily obtaining her Orange belt last night
7. Stressed out about bills (again, who isn't?)
8. Not in the holiday spirit
9. Sick of cold weather (only 4 more months to go)
10. Skipping every other song that Launchcast plays
11. Frustrated that my mother-in-law left the car door open all night (c'mon, really, it's an electronic door. all you have to do is pull the handle and it shuts automatically)
12. Enjoyed the 30 minutes my youngest daughter spent with me at work this morning before her doctor appointment. She pulled a chair up to my desk, ate crushed ice and her face lit up when she found daddy's candy stash.
13. Still recuperating from two nights out with the guys this weekend
14. Disappointed that they made Kate's back-story still a sappy one on last night's Lost. Why can't she just be a bad girl?
15. Pissed off that my DVR did not record the last five minutes of last night's Lost.
16. Avoiding some work that really needs to be completed in a bad, bad way
17. Feeling like scum for not getting a Happy 30th Birthday post out for LDG last week. Happy Birthday, man!
18. Wondering if my children will feel free to tell me anything when they grow up. Or will they feel like they cannot talk to me?
19. Happy that my son's vocabulary now contains: Ba-Ba, Nigh-Nigh, Juice, Ball, Whoa, Uh-Oh and Darth.
20. Ready for the next stage in my life... No more school.

Overall mood --- Unmotivated

Who can name the reference in the title?