Sep 9, 2005

Date My Mother-In-Law, Pt. I

Guy #1, The Fur Trapper...


I don't know if you have ever had the experience of helping a parent or in-law date, but its surreal. Mrs. 808 doesn't have to say a word for me to tell that she is uncomfortable with watching her mother date. I am slightly freaked out that I am now the father of a 50 yr old teenager.


As readers of my wife's blog will know, we chaperoned her mother's first date last weekend. He appeared to be a nice, well-rounded gentleman. They continued to see each other throughout the weekend. By Wednesday morning, it was over.


Last night, I took over the duty of helping check her Yahoo Personals and accounts. It was mildly entertaining to say the least. We sent a couple of emails and surfed through pictures and profiles for an hour. At one point, we came across the profile of the man from the weekend. My mother-in-law and wife started making some joke about him that I did not get. I had known that he was trying to move too fast for her. He spoke of buying her a car and maybe moving her into his place sometime soon. Apparently, he also spoke to her about being intimate (ewww!) but she said it was too soon. Well, last night I learned how exactly he phrased that last part to her...


"How long do I have to know you before I can meet your beaver?"


Seriously, I am not kidding.