Aug 24, 2005

Finals Week

I know that it has been awhile since I posted. This session at school has been K-I-C-K-I-N-G MY ASS.


After Friday, I should only have three 8-week sessions left. I can only dream of how much easier life will be when I finally graduate. At least I hope it will be easier. Maybe I will get more than 5 hours of sleep a night. Cross your fingers for me.


A few notes from the 808...


  • Congratulations to Bruce and Mrs. Sato on the birth of their daughter last week. She's beautiful and I am so excited for both of you. Standing outside the nursery last friday, watching Bruce spend his first minutes with her, I knew that she is going to have a fantastic father. He looked like a natural.
  • Speaking of babies, my not-such-a-baby-sister, Janet, started college at Wake Forest today. Shit, I am getting old. Hopefully, she will have the time to keep her blog updated.
  • Getting old, eh? 45 days until I turn 30. That is 1,103 hours, or 66,238 minutes OR 3,974,294 seconds from now. Nerdy? No, I used a program we had to write in Okay... It's nerdy. At least I am not Otto and turning 30 in 13 days.
  • Back to sisters for a moment, what the hell is up with my other sister? I've not seen a single comment from her in months, yet she's been leaving them on my friends' blogs. Thanks, Jewels.

Before I end this post, I'd like to propose a challenge to a few guys who have not posted in forever.

Otto vs. Buckaroo

Which one of you can post first? The clock starts...NOW.