Jul 21, 2005

Morgan Spurlock's Coming Home

I found my new favorite television show; so let me slide all this work and homework to the side for a moment so I can share it with you.


Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days on FX 


For those not familiar with him, Morgan Spurlock is the guy who brought us Super-Size Me. 30 Days is his new 6-episode (season finale was last night) show on FX and it is incredibly well done. For 30 days, he documents a person living someone else's life. It is fascinating, funny, educational and eye opening.


We need some interaction on this blog, so I propose to you, given the 6 episodes, which one of these would you be most interested in trying and which one would be the most difficult for you:


1. Spend 30 days living on minimum wage. You will start with nothing but the one suitcase you pack.

2. Spend 30 days on anti-aging drugs, taking growth hormones, testosterone shots and a large cocktail of supplements. You will also be participating in a strict, grueling exercise routine.

3.Spend 30 days living in a large Muslim community, embracing AND practicing their traditions and culture.

4. Spend 30 days living in San Francisco's Castro district with a gay roommate and become immersed in the community. (For those who are gay, switch it around to living in a super-homophobic city in the south.)

5. Spend 30 days living "off the grid" in an eco-village. You will grow and eat your own organic foods and recycle everything (including human waste).

6. Spend 30 days living as a binge drinker. This requires drinking a minimum of four drinks in a two-hour period everyday for 30 days. If you do this anyway, sorry, pick another option.


Leave your responses in the comment section. For those who missed the show entirely, FX will air a marathon of episodes 4,5 & 6 on Monday, July 25. Check your local listing for times.
(bonus points to those who get the reference of this post's title.)