Jul 7, 2005

32 weeks...

...and counting. That is how many weeks of school I have left until I am free. That rather seems like a long time, however, I am still struggling with the realization that we are halfway through 2005 and not 2003. My online campus started on Tuesday and I have quickly realized that it is going to kick my ass. My on campus class starts tomorrow night.

I hope to get the next chapter of CYOA: Reluctant in by tomorrow. If I do not, know that it is because of schoolwork and not laziness. If you have not already chosen a path, please do so now. You can also chime in on the "zoom-zoom-boom-boom-voom-voom-rump vs. hump" discussion that took place in the comments.

A few random 808 thoughts and upcoming events...

The "Secret Organisation al Qaeda of Europe" attacked London today. Dudes, if you are going to attack Britain and don't want 007 all over your ass, do not call yourself a secret organisation.

The 808 fam is off to St. Louis this weekend for Dino's 80th birthday bash. Dean is my father's first cousin and exemplifies how I want to be at his age. He has suffered through a stroke and losing his wife to cancer, yet he was always the first person to do a cannonball into the lake and shook his wrinkly tail off at my sister's wedding in April. I only hope to have that energy and drive if I make it to that age.

For those who have not noticed yet, Mrs. 808 started her own blog. Welcome to the blogosphere, dear. Check it out here or over in my links section. My old lady turns 30 in less than a week.

We ventured up to K-town on the 4th to spend it with Bruce and his wife. Having only my small children to entertain with fireworks, we didn't buy anything loud or to flashy. A few cones and fountains, some smoke bombs and sparklers. Every time Bruce and I would light one of these, the bastards across the street would send up some massively elaborate rocket while I stood by the 3-inch fountain pleading for my kids to watch ours instead, they would sit in awe of the neighbor's show. Next year, my friend's neighbors. Next year.