Jun 14, 2005

Top Five Sweet Junk Foods for the bunker...

If I were forced to choose five sweet-tooth junk foods to store in my bunker, in case we are ever on the verge of global domination from an alien race or North Korea starts bombing the hell out of us, they would be the following:

Donuts -- no particular type as there is no such thing as a bad donut, only bad bakers
Airheads -- fans of taffy love Airheads, and if you have never tried them, you must. New fans can sign-up to receive my cherry ones. Damn cherries.
Starburst -- there are so many flavor options these days, I will take a pre-selected mix that excludes the sour variants and all those damn cherries.
Some form of Chocolate -- preferably not Hershey's. Leave your recommendations in the comments.
Ice Cream -- the most important for me. With all that dairy, it has to be nutritious, right? You have to be particular with flavors though, so this one will be another post.

Feel free to list your five sweet junk foods to take down to the shelter. If you like something of mine and I like something of yours, I will invite you over or we can build a tunnel. Tomorrow's post: Top Five Cereals to take Underground.