Jun 8, 2005

CYOA Wednesday: "Reluctant - Chapter 8"

"Actually, I stepped in some shit in your basement," you respond. You must be a fool for admitting you went down there. Dennis probably does not even remember if he left the light on.

You raise your eyes to meet the fiery glare of Dennis. You wince from the menacing stare he gives you. In a forcefully calm tone he asks, " Why did you go down there?"

You begin the cover-up, explaining that when you came out of the bathroom, he was nowhere to be found. You remember seeing him come from the basement earlier so you thought you would check there. He appears to buy your explanation and even apologizes for not coming back sooner.

"Dennis, whose shit did I step in downstairs? And why is there a broken window with blood all over it and running down the wall?"

Looking past Dennis, you witness all the color drain from Michelle's face. You find the opposite reaction when you look back at him. You are reminded of a cartoon character with steam exiting their ears. Staring you down and gritting his teeth, he says," You stepped in my dog's shit. The blood is from my roommate's hand. He was trying to open the window for some air and the jamb was painted shut. He has an anger issue and punched it. Would you like to meet Rich? I can have him come downstairs if you’d like?"

Rich? Richard Meinheit? The man from the pictures and bills in the front room? Remembering the way the window was all but completely gone, this roommate of his must have hit it repeatedly. With anger issues like that, do you really want to meet this person?

Dennis turns on the stairs and begins yelling for Rich to come down. You look past him and see that Michelle is slowly retreating to the front door. You glance over your shoulder, into the darkness of room at the end of the hall. Turning back, you see that Dennis is gradually moving up the stairs as he continues yelling to the mystery roommate. You might be able to signal Michelle to exit through the front door, and you could see if there is a backdoor. You could also try sneaking past Dennis, leave with Michelle, after all, the path is lit, and you know there is a door. However, getting past Dennis could be difficult.

If you signal Michelle to exit through the front door and then try to find a backdoor, turn to page 50.

If you attempt to sneak past the stairway and leave with Michelle through the front door, turn to page 47.

If you decide to wait and meet the roommate, turn to page46.