Apr 23, 2005

808 The Thief

Otto stole it from Be The Boy and I am stealing it from both of them. While my voluntary editor looks over this week's Choose Your Own Adventure chapter, I present you with my list of The Last Time I (x9)...

1... The last time I stayed up until 2:30 am watching a movie with a friend was last Friday night. Otto was in town for my sister's wedding. We watched Shaun of the Dead and despite laughing my ass off, I had to keep getting up to keep myself awake.

2... The last time I went to a concert was last June when I caught Rush's 30th anniversary tour with Bruce.

3... The last time I got a solid night's rest was February 8, 2005. I was in Knoxville, TN on business and there was no crying son or 2 yr old climbing in bed to plant her little elbows in my ribs. I miss sleep.

4... The last time I took a crap at work, I was so engrossed in my book that my legs fell asleep and I had to use the handicap rail to stand up.

5... The last time I stood up in front of 50 people to speak, I rocked. At my sister's rehearsal dinner, I read Shel Silverstein's For Sale and had them laughing. My repeat performace the following night's reception in front of 350 didn't compare.

6... The last time I saw my uncle and his family was almost 8 years ago. Gotta love family feuds.

7... The last time I saw my sisters, one was a newlywed leaving for her honeymoon and the other was getting ready to visit the college she will be attending in the fall. Man, I am getting old.

8... The last time I saw my grandma, she told me she was tired of living without my grandpa and just wanted to join him in heaven. I wasn't there when she died, but my relatives said she opened her eyes, smiled, said "Karl" and let out her last breath. I didn't cry at the funeral because I knew her wish came true and her suffering had stopped.

9... The last time I heard two old ladies laughing about Ihop's Rutti Tutti Fresh & Frutti, I asked my wife to slap me if I ever think a food name is cute and catchy.