Jun 4, 2004

Gripe of the day

Our salesmen are all in the office today. Is there anything more annoying than having your entire sales team in the office? (Teachers should envision having a class of all football players). It's like having a fraternity reunite. They are at complete disregard for anyone else trying to work, louder than hell, demanding and just act like pricks. Our in-house sales staff is great, I'm used to them and they are respectful of those who are trying to work. It's these out of town assholes that push my buttons.


Oh, and one of the new sales guys laughs like a billy goat. Seriously, I heard him laugh and thought Goat Boy was in the office.


Two for the price of one Gripes today: I'm fed up with a few of the department heads at my client. They've been super demanding this week as they had their Fiscal Year End on Wednesday. It's friggin' Friday, back off people. I'm trying to catch up from all the other crap I had to put off because you didn't plan in advance.


I'm very irritable today.