May 18, 2004

The cat thinks I am an ungrateful jerk

My daughter’s cat now bears presents. I banned the cat from the house last year when he continuously pissed all over the place. He now has his own room off the garage, we leave that, and the garage door cracked every day. He is free to come and go. We’ve even given him permission to bring other kitties, whether boy or girl, we’re not judgmental, back to his pad. He can try and bust his neutered nuts all he wants.

He is either very appreciative of this freedom, or he is trying to bribe his way back into the house. In the past month, he has brought us the head of a mouse, the not-quite-dead bunny (see my Eventful Weekend # 1 post from 05.03.04), a headless squirrel and now a dead mole. He always follows me as I dispose of the dead, looking at me as if offended by my ungrateful actions. It’s this little kitty expression of, “You ungrateful bastard. You work all day and provide me with this luxurious bachelor pad and when I try to show you some friggin’ appreciation…you throw it away.”